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TECEdrainprofile Kollektionsteaser

TECEdrainprofile – the recessed shower profile

TECEdrainprofile – modular system

A shower profile that can be cut to length and one of two drains - that's all it takes for elegant shower space drainage.

Stainless steel profiles for TECEdrainprofile are available in brushed and polished versions.


TECEdrainprofile stainless steel profiles with innovative PVD surface finish in three current colours plus the new matt-black version. 

Das TECEdrainprofile Duschprofil ist als Standard in Edelstahl gebürstet und glänzend erhältlich.

A TECEdrainprofile shower profile always consists of:

A: stainless steel profile

B: drain and optional accessories

Der TECEdrainline-Baukasten besteht aus dem Edelstahlprofil, dem Ablauf sowie Zubehörteilen

Stainless steel profile

TECEdrainprofile is available in four lengths from 800 to 1,200 mm. The stainless steel profile can be shortened on both sides and be adapted to the dimensions of the shower area.


The variety of drains in the TECEdrainprofile range consists of a flat drain and a “standard” drain. The factory fitted Seal System sealing sleeve is included in the scope of delivery. It seals safe and tight with a simple click.


Assembly feet, Drainbase sound insulation mat and a hair trap add to the range of the TECEdrainprofile modular system.