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TECEdrainline – Secondary drainage

Secondary drainage, yes, no or both?

The topic of secondary drainage is always the subject of controversial discussions in professional circles. Our opinion on this has not changed over the years and is backed up by decades of practical experience in the kitchen and industrial sector.

  • Only capillary forces are present in the thin tile bed. Trickles in the direction of the slope are physically impossible. Corresponding studies clearly prove this. 
  • For hygienic reasons, a drain channel, whether in a commercial kitchen, swimming pool or domestic shower, needs an anti-capillary edge to prevent shower water from penetrating under the tile.

Optional secondary drainage

As there is a demand for channels with secondary drainage in spite of the above, TECE now offers an option for secondary drainage with the TECEdrainline-Evo, without having to dispense with the tried-and-tested capillary protection edge. The result is a shower channel for the highest hygienic demands.

Trick one: the doubled base

The stainless steel channel (1) is fixed in a hard shell (2). Water (3) would collect in the hard shell under the stainless steel channel to prevent backwater.

Der doppelte Boden der Duschrinne TECEdrainline-Evo: die Edelstahlrinne ist in einer Hartschale fixiert. Wasser würde sich in der Hartschale unter der Edelstahlrinne rückstausicher sammeln.

Trick two: the dual seal

When removing the dip rod (1) the openings (2) in the specially constructed double-lip seal are left clear. If water were to build up there, it could drain into the drain pan (3).

Die doppelte Dichtung: Beim Herausziehen des Tauchrohres werden die Öffnungen in der speziell konstruierten Doppellippendichtung freigegeben. Wäre dort angesammeltes Wasser, könnte es in den Ablauftopf abfließen.

The capillary protection edge

The channel body remains closed throughout! Dirt and soap residues cannot get under the tiles. TECE thus remains true to itself and the principle of the capillary protection edge.

Die Kapillarschutzkante: der Rinnenkörper bleibt auch weiterhin durchgehend geschlossen! Schmutz und Seifenreste können nicht unter die Fliesen gelangen.