It's all under control - TECE Hygiene Flushing Station
If drinking water stagnates in the pipeline, this can create hygiene problems. This is prevented by an automated flushing station. TECE is breaking new ground here by installing a hygienic flushing function in the universal cistern – thus saving pipe loops, pipe inspection openings and equipment. It is programmed contact-free using a smartphone app.

Hygiene flushing function integrated in the cistern: Flushing takes place via the last consumer in the row installation (picture). In a ring installation, it does not matter where the cistern with the hygiene flushing function is positioned. In the cistern there are two solenoid valves, one each for the hot and cold water pipe, a fill level sensor and a connection for the optional link to the building control system.

Drinking water hygiene automated and without additional effort – even during the summer holidays: The entire drinking water installation is flushed regularly via the nearby toilet cistern. Everything under control thanks to the app for contact-free control – and a digital flushing log as proof.
Hygiene flushing is now also possible discreetly and without equipment engineering or additional pipe loops. For this purpose, TECE has ingeniously simply integrated the flushing function into the cistern. The entire pipe network – hot and cold water – can be flushed via a cistern that has been upgraded in this way. Whether, how often and how long the cistern is flushed can be set via an app without directly accessing the hygienic cistern. Download our brochure on the hygiene flush for all relevant information on drinking water hygiene and the features of the TECE hygiene flush.
The big advantage: a pipe loop to an extra flushing apparatus and an additional inspection opening are no longer necessary. If necessary, the function can be overhauled by the specialist technician via the opening for the toilet flush plate. By using the log feature of the app, operators can prove the flushing processes and he fulfilment of the circulation safety obligation.
» TECE hygiene flushing station will be available starting in June 2019.
The water must be exchanged
When planning and constructing a drinking water system, it must be ensured that no microorganisms can settle and multiply in the pipelines. The “intended operation” must be ensured. According to DIN EN 806-5, “normal operation” is the obligation to ensure the exchange of water by withdrawing water once every seven days – in the pipe section as well as in the entire potable water installation. It is of course recommended to exchange the water daily, but DVGW [German association for gas and water] and VDI [Association of German Engineers] still consider an interruption of use of up to 72 hours to be uncritical. Automated systems for line flushing are suitable in buildings with interruptions of use (schools, hotel rooms, holiday flats and rarely used parts of buildings) in particular.