Completed ahead of time.
TECE has been developing and producing bathroom wall sections and system shafts for construction projects since the mid 90s. With the associated high level of prefabrication, TECE helps you to manage time, quality and costs.
Customised manufacturing
Industrially prefabricated modules for bathrooms and sanitary areas significantly reduce time requirements and make calculations more reliable.
In principle, the entire pipework for all media, as well as shut-o devices, water meters, ventilators, sound-absorbing elements and formwork for the ceiling penetration sealing system are all integrated into the walls.
This controlled industrial prefabrication also significantly reduces the probability of making mistakes at the building site.

Customised planning
During the planning phase, TECE application engineers work together with project managers to determine the technical and legal requirements.
In the next step, a customised bathroom wall section concept is developed and tested on a prototype.
Next, the final specifications are incorporated into the production drawings. That is how TECE makes sure that the process is safe.

Safely on schedule
Construction projects are not just all about working quickly. It is also essential to reliably keep to tight schedules. When many tasks and tradesmen are involved, this can be an exciting challenge.
Renovating existing buildings
Renovating inhabited buildings poses a particular challenge. To avoid disturbance and rent reduction as far as possible, a reliable and tight schedule is just as important as keeping construction noise and dirt to a minimum. This may well be di cult to avoid when gutting a building however. On the other hand, rebuilding a bathroom using pre-fabricated bathroom wall sections saves time and a great deal of work.
All that is left to do is embed the sound-proofing elements into the bathroom wall sections and then clad and tile them.
This structural restoration concept has been successfully adopted for example in a housing estate built in the 60s in Duisburg ( Germany ). After beginning construction in the conventional way, the builders soon opted for a prefabricated solution and have now been using this system for the past two years.
The result: a comfortable restoration for the tenants and less risk and expense for the owner.

On-site service in Latvia
120 TECEpro l toilet modules were installed in “The Pearl” apartment residence near Riga.
Technicians from the local TECE branch instructed the fitters directly on site. The fitters were therefore able to install the toilets quickly and flawlessly – and play their part in ensuring the on-schedule completion of the building.

Ready-made hotel bathrooms
For the Crown Plaza Changi Airport Hotel in Singapore, the bathrooms were completely pre-assembled and delivered, together with their facings and fittings, by a prefabricated bathroom installation company.
TECE Singapore’s technicians developed the technical details for integrating the TECEpro l toilet module in collaboration with the investor, planner and prefabrication company.

On schedule in Shanghai
The “Shanghai Star River” apartment complex is a large-scale international project. It was constructed on a plot of 714,000 square metres in the district of Min Hang.
400,000 metres of TECEfloor pipe systems were laid for the floor heating system alone. The equipment was delivered on schedule from the TECE branch warehouse on site in China – in coordination with the German central warehouse.