Calculated success.
Good quality products, services and information play a major role in achieving cost-efficiency. They make the construction project more predictable and easier to calculate.
For investors, a reliable cost calculation during the planning phase is the foundation for financial success.

Permanently low operating costs.
TECE’s well-thought-out system solutions contribute to sustainable and economic operation in hotels throughout the entire world.
Green Building in the Golden City
The “Florentinum” is an administration building covering 49,000 square metres in the centre of Prague. Awarded “LEED Gold” certification, it stands for future-oriented buildings – where economic efficiency, ecology and sustainability are given equal consideration.
The 310 TECEprofil toilet modules installed there t in perfectly with this pioneering concept, as they too have been awarded four stars by the WELL Water efficiency Label.

Ramada Plaza Hotel – a bathroom design that pays
TECE drainline shower channels have been installed in the bathrooms of the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Voronezh, Russia. The floor level shower areas in natural stone give the rooms a harmonious, larger appearance. But they also o er advantages in terms of operating costs. The special internal design of the shower channels makes them easy to clean, which means that the staff responsible take less time to clean each room.

Economically-dimensioned pipe networks
The “Tetris Hall” building in Kiev, Ukraine offers 190 apartments on a surface area of 24,000 square metres. When drawing up a cost-effective design for the heating system, the cost of materials and pipe dimensions, heating costs and system temperatures were all taken into account.
The Ukrainian TECE subsidiary completed the planning with TECEflex.