"...it's hard to believe that a shower-toilet can be so good and affordable"
Interview with sanitation, heating and air conditioning business owner Sascha Wilharm
Mr Wilharm, as the owner of a sanitation, heating and air conditioning business, what impresses you about TECEone?
Sascha Wilharm: Obviously, how simple the product is! I’m impressed by how quickly and easily TECEone can be installed – no electrician, purely with the know-how of my staff. On the construction site, the shower-toilet is simply pushed up to the wall in the prepared stryofoam body and installed by one person using the quick-attachment from TECE – child’s play, no distance gauge, no fiddling around, which saves time and irritation.
And how do you convince your customers?
SW: We’ve installed a TECEone on our premises for our customers to test. The simple use of the control dials surprises most of them – on the left the temperature, on the right the water strength from soft and sensitive to full power. Even small children can get to grips with it. That’s why I also sell TECEone as a generational toilet, including together with the height-adjustable toilet terminal TECElux. It allows the toilet to grow with the customer’s needs. Many of them tell me how much cleaner and fresher they feel in their everyday lives. The gentle, thorough cleaning with water is perceived as pleasant and nobody wants to go back to the old bowl.
What method do you recommend for selling TECEone?
SW: Customers are much more sensitised to the topic of bathrooms and toilets today than they were ten to twenty years ago. Design plays an important role, as does comfort: these are entirely emotional issues. I frequently no longer even mention the use of TECEone during the planning meeting; rather, I simply say that I have a solution for the perfect toilet. In most cases, the upgrade from normal toilet to TECEone makes sense to people, especially when I tell them the price. Most of them can’t begin to imagine that this kind of shower function can be had so affordably.
How to sell TECEone – five tips for success
- Include TECEone from the outset, each time you plan a bathroom. The additional comfort and hygiene benefit outweigh the otherwise really small price difference over a conventional toilet – and you can always downgrade if you need to.
- Make the TECEone available to test. Nothing is more convincing than experiencing hygiene with water for yourself. And your customer will be pleasantly surprised when you explain how it works – water strength on the right, temperature on the left.
- Talk about the design. Most people appreciate a familiar design that doesn’t impair the bathroom’s architecture. And there’s the identical design without shower function for the guest toilet.
- Simple technology and operation = long service life. There’s a healthy scepticism about high-tech products: Complicated technology puts people off and needs maintenance. TECEone is fully under your own control.
- Amaze your customer with how easy it is to clean. The shower arm cleans itself, the ceramics are rimless and the seat and cover can be easily removed. And the customers don’t have to get irritated about a wobbly toilet seat – that is ruled out by design.