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WC-Terminal TECElux

TECElux – Components

TECElux complete package

A TECElux terminal always includes a TECElux module, an upper glass facing, and a lower toilet attachment plate.

TECElux module – the functional centre

At the core of every TECElux terminal is a TECElux module

Das TECElux 400 WC-Modul mit Uni-Spülkasten, Zweimengenspültechnik, manueller Höhenverstellung und Luftfiltersystem „ceramic-Air“.

TECElux 400

With TECEbox cistern, dual-flush technology, manual height adjustment and "ceramic-Air" air purification system. The flush is actuated only electronically („sen-Touch“).

The upper glass facing with actuation unit


TECElux bietet zwei Auslösevarianten: mechanische Spüauslösung über Tastendruck sowie elektronische Spülauslösung über einen integrierten Sensor.

More than just flushing

The two touch fields of the sensor panel also conceal the interface for individual setting of the numerous comfort functions. The programming is done using the operating instructions with the help of touch fields and acoustic signals. TECElux offers electronic flush actuation via a sensor seamlessly integrated into the glass plate 

TECElux Colours