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TECEone Roadshow Key

TECEone - performanță convingătoare în testul de comparație

TECE a întrebat profesioniștii HVAC despre toaletele cu duș.
Participanții au fost chestionați prin chestionare cu privire la tot ceea ce privește toaletele cu duș. Pentru aceasta au fost utilizate diferite criterii de evaluare.

Printre altele, întrebările includ experiența cu toaletele cu duș precum și o estimare a dezvoltării viitoare a pieței.

Dar sondajul a intrat în detaliu și despre diferitele funcții și caracteristici oferite de o toaletă cu duș. Natural, TECEone a fost și el testat și a fost efectuat un sondaj intensiv.

Video: TECEone Roadshow

Feedback from the tour

93 %
Over 93% of the participants have already installed, tendered or offered shower toilets.
78 %
Almost 78% have already tested shower toilets personally or use them regularly themselves.
58 %

58% of those surveyed believe that the demand for shower toilets will continue to rise steadily.

43 %

43% can even imagine that shower toilets will be so commonplace in ten years’ time that they will overtake standard toilets in the family bathroom.

0 %

None of the respondents considers shower toilets to be just a current fashion trend that will disappear again.

How important are the following functions to you when it comes to shower toilets?

Seat heating
Automatic lid
Air filter
Remote control
Rating: 0 = unimportant, 5 = important.

The automatic lid, dryer and seat heating are regarded by the participants as clearly unimportant and are instead suspected of being potential candidates for faults.

The possibility of a remote control is judged to be slightly better. However, this often also requires a large amount of explanation and accustomisation. Incorrect use can lead to increased service calls, especially in the first few weeks.

The only more important feature seems to be odour extraction. In addition to the usual extracted air solutions, some manufacturers also offer integrated circulating air filter systems such as those installed in the TECElux.

Es kommt auf die Reinigungsleistung an und die typischen Sonderfunktionen halte ich für unwichtig. Sitzheizungen verkaufen wir aus Prinzip nicht. Man hat da das Gefühl, dass unmittelbar davor jemand das WC schon benutzt hat.

What are you basic thoughts about conventional shower toilets…

Assembly & initial operation
Easy to understand operation
Reliability and maintenance
Rating: 0 = unimportant, 5 = important.

In addition to the more or less useful functions, the SHK professionals also consider the assembly and initial operation and the easy to understand operation for the user to be in particular need of improvement.

Too expensive, too much technology, too complicated

TECEone takes a different approach with the simplest technology and water directly from the tap.

This idea has been very well received. When asked about the necessity of a hot water connection, only 9% see this as an “occasional challenge”. Nobody sees this as a real problem.

91 %
For 91% of the participants, the water connection is not a real problem.
Feedback on TECEone

Due to the simple built-in technology and the clever solutions of the concealed mounting and WC seat assembly, the respondents see the installation and initial operation as consistently very positive.

The easy to understand operation and function for the end user, in particular, is seen by the participants as an outstanding product feature with regard to consultation and, of course, use.

The very positive evaluation of the potential susceptibility to faults and the anticipated low maintenance costs was only to be expected.

Design and mounting: What do you think of TECEone’s

Concealed mounting
Click seat attachment
Ceramic design
Bare wall, water connection
Fine installation, ceramic mounting
Initial operation
Rating: 0 = inadequate, 5 = very good.

Function: What do you think of TECEone’s

Maintenance costs
Fault susceptibility
Volume flow adjustment
Temperature adjustment
Rating: 0 = inadequate, 5 = very good.
TECEone hat mich überzeugt. Die Preisschwelle ist niedriger als bei anderen Dusch-WCs. Die viele Technik bei Konkurrenzprodukten wirkt überfordernd. TECEone ist da angenehm unkompliziert.
Außerdem sieht TECEone aus wie ein normales WC. Und das Montagesystem ist clever. So was sollte es auch für andere WCs geben.

TECEone ist durch den Verzicht auf Technik definitiv ein sehr interessantes Produkt! Ein weiterer großer Vorteil durch den Verzicht auf zu viel Technik ist der geringere Wartungsaufwand.